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Embassy of Switzerland

Embassy of Switzerland


Position: National Programme Officer Migration (SDC)
Job Time: Full-Time
Job Type: Permanent
Place of Work: Addis Ababa - Ethiopia
Posted date: 4 years ago
Deadline: Submition date is over

Recruitment of one (1) National Programme Officer at the Embassy of Switzerland in Addis Abeba for the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) The Embassy of Switzerland in Ethiopia, represented by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), is currently advertising one (1) position of National Programme Officer (NPO) position for the implementation of its migration programme in Ethiopia and in the region, in link with it regional Strategy for Horn of Africa (covering Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia). The modalities of employment and application for the advertised position include the following elements: The position will be based at the Embassy of Switzerland in Old Airport, Addis Abeba. Field missions in Ethiopia and to the Horn of Africa region when required for the purpose of project planning/ monitoring, sector coordination, policy dialogue, etc. Background: In Ethiopia, the Swiss Agency for Development & Cooperation (SDC) operates through the International Cooperation Department of the Embassy of Switzerland in Addis Ababa. It bears responsibility for all international development and humanitarian assistance programmes of the Government of Switzerland in the country, in close coordination with the Embassy of Switzerland in Kenya, with which it co-manages the Swiss Regional Programme Horn of Africa. Switzerland’s international development cooperation has been active in refugee protection and assistance since the opening of a humanitarian programme office in 2009 in Nairobi. In 2013, after the Horn of Africa became one of Swit­zerland’s priority regions, the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC), the Directorate of Political Affairs and the State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) at the Federal Department of Justice and Police combined their respective instruments into a “Whole of Govern­ment Approach (WOGA)” for the implementation of the first Horn of Africa Cooperation Strategy 2013–17. The current Swiss Cooperation Strategy Horn of Africa (HoA) 2018-2021 focuses on Somalia and the arid and semi-arid lands of South-Eastern Ethiopia and North-Eastern Kenya. The strategy covers four sectors: food security, health, governance and migration/protection. It is designed as a whole of government approach in which Swiss Development and Cooperation (SDC) teams in the Swiss Embassies in Nairobi and Addis Ababa are closely collaborating with other Swiss Government units such as the Human Security Division, the Political Directorate and the Swiss State Secretariat for Migration. The overall aim of the strategy is to respond to humanitarian needs while contributing to poverty reduction, conflict transformation and inclusive state-building in support of participatory and sustainable socio-economic development. In addition, to the Swiss Cooperation Strategy Horn of Africa (HoA) 2018-2021, the Horn of Africa is a region of focus of the Global Programme Migration and Development (GPMD) of SDC. The GPMD aims at maximising the potential benefits of migration to the communities and countries of origin and minimizing the risks and costs involved in the migration experiences for migrants and their families left behind. The GPMD seeks global solutions and takes an active part in structuring the political dialogue on migration and development at the regional and international level by contributing to concrete experiences from operational programmes. The Migration Programme Officer HoA and GPMD based in Addis Abeba supports the International Cooperation Office (IC Office) in Addis Abeba and Nairobi in developing, managing projects and engage in policy dialogue of the Swiss Regional Programme Horn of Africa (RPHoA) and the regional projects of the Global Programme Migration and Development (GPMD). The consolidation of the operational migration/protection portfolio of the RPHoA and the GPMD and the linkage with policy dialogue at the national, regional and continental level represent an important objective of the position. The Migration Programme Officer will represent Switzerland in different fora and manage key partners in the area of migration. The Swiss Cooperation Strategy Horn of Africa (HoA) 2018-2021 together with the strategy of the GPMD 2018-2021 provide the necessary guidance and the overall framework of the position and respective responsibilities. Swiss engagement with IGAD aims to strengthen national and regional migration governance capacities, as well as promote free movement of people within the IGAD region and in case of the African Union the focus of Switzerland is on aspects of labour migration Duties and competencies that come along with this position: Programme responsibilities / PCM: - Establish, and provide technical support to the projects that are part of the RPHoA and GPMD portfolio and identify and initiate new projects and partnerships: - Preparation of the required documents for approval and ensure that the RPHoA and GPMD programmes in the HoA are coordinated and implemented within the framework of the present the Swiss strategy for the Horn of Africa (2018-2021) and the GPMD Strategy (2018-21) - Definition and implementation of the current RPHoA and GPMD programmes in the field of durable solutions, migration management and governance with IGAD, labour migration with national governments in the Horn of Africa and with the AU, urban migration, diaspora and financial inclusion for migrants; - In collaboration with the NPOs in charge of Protection and Migration in Addis Abeba and Nairobi, contribute to a programmatic and regional Migration/Protection portfolio. - Ensure, in accordance with the SDC principles and quality standards, sound operational and financial management of SDC programmes in Migration & Development (including planning, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, financial audits, risk assessments, etc.). - Negotiate, in close collaboration with the operations department, programme and project implementation with partners and authorities and ensure contractual compliance and efficient and result-oriented implementation (including project reporting). - Identify and analyse potentially new Migration & Development engagements for SDC in the HoA and prepare required documentation for approval Analyse, Leadership and Policy Dialogue - Analyse local, national, regional and international trends (economy, politics and society) in the field of migration and development and develop proposals and strategic orientation for the GPMD, SDC, governments of the region and relevant multilateral fora. - Provide strategic and programmatic guidance throughout the entire project cycle and proactively seek opportunities for advocacy and policy influencing. - Integrate the findings and recommendations of the global, continental and regional dialogue on migration and development and vice-versa feed the experiences and recommendations of the continental and regional dialogue into the global discussions - Represent the international cooperation (RPHoA and GPMD) in coordination meetings, workshops, conferences and other fora on migration in the Horn of Africa region and actively strengthen the relationship with a wide network of relevant stakeholders Coordination with other Units of the Embassy of Switzerland - The NPO actively and constructively participates in the strategic discussion with other units of the Embassy of Switzerland in Ethiopia and keep track of national or international initiatives on Migration & Development (M&D) of other units of the Swiss administration (WOGA). - The NPO will contribute to the further development of migration and development concepts and policies at the regional level and within SDC. Direct superior: Head of International Cooperation Directly subordinated employee(s): None Starting on: As soon as possible (with a probation period of 3 months) Administrative Unit & Duty Station: Embassy of Switzerland in Ethiopia (Addis Ababa) Requirements: - University Master’s Degree in social sciences, development studies or other relevant field. - Sound experience in the areas of migration and high political sensitivity and excellent understanding of the social, economic and political situation in the Horn of Africa and of related migration challenges and opportunities - Good understanding of the continental, regional and national development policy agenda such as the ones formulated by the UN, IGAD, AU, and comparable global and regional bodies in the area of migration - Sound experience in policy design, dialogue and negotiations with multilateral organisations and respective processes in Africa including with IGAD, AU and global processes - In-depth understanding of current issues related to migration, labour migration, free movement, financial inclusion, forced displacement and development Professional experience: - Minimum of 7 years of relevant experience in the global and regional dialogue on migration - Proven experience and knowledge of project cycle management (PCM) and Project Finance Management. - Strong sensitivity and responsiveness to bring forward and to deal with gender and social inclusion issues - Previous experience in managing regional/multicounty program. Skills: - Ability to work in a team and strong intercultural sensitivity - High individual autonomy and a high sense of personal responsibility, including creativity and innovative capacity and willingness to learn and to embrace change. - Good ability to establish confidence among partners and colleagues, including an excellent ability to network and to work in a team. - Proven leadership skills in terms of advocacy work and policy dialogue as well as programme implementation/oversight. - Excellent knowledge of English, both written and spoken, with a particular talent in exact and correct writing. - Knowledge of Somali language is an asset - Good computer skills including good practical experience with the MS Office Software Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Microsoft Outlook, Internet Explorer or any other browser commonly used. - Applicants should possess a valid employment permit in Ethiopia. No work permits will be processed by the Embassy of Switzerland directly. How to Apply - Applications should be neatly formatted and drafted in excellent English. - Applications should include (1) a motivation letter (maximum one page); (2) a curriculum vitae (maximum three pages); (3) two reference persons to be contacted for feedback from previous employments (mobile phone numbers only); and (4) copies of relevant university degrees and other diplomas, incl. work certificates (if available). The motivation letter and CV are to be submitted in Microsoft Word or PDF format only. - Applications should be sent in one single email to Ms Frissa Meskerem Mogga by 23 December 2019, at the very latest. - The subject of the application email should state the exact following words: “Application for NPO Position Migration, SDC in Ethiopia”. - The motivation letter should be addressed to “Head of International Cooperation at the Embassy of Switzerland in Ethiopia”. - Only the applications 100% compliant with the above criteria will be considered. - Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.